Saturday 2 April 2011

Task 2-How does my product represent certain social groups

Our product represents many things through exploring technology, the casting of our actors and even through recent events in real life such as the wikileaks scenario.

One of the social groups we chose to represent was young females. We represented that social group very positively we did this by enrolling our main character the hacker as a young, strong, independent female. This is subverting one of the Hollywood stereotypes of young woman being weak and needing a man to look after them. Part of this choice was due to the film‘Girl With a Dragon Tattoo’ where they choose to cast a female hacker who plays a very convincing and Hollywood alternative role.

Throughout our thriller we explore a lot of technology, normally someone who uses that kind of technology would be branded as a ‘nerd’ or ‘un cool’. However we subvert this in our film as we have a cool, modern hacker using this technology to hack into government files.
Also this consistent use of technology represents the younger viewers. It represents how compulsive and dependant younger people are on technology these days.And how they are almost born with an understanding of most technology.

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